The Art of Being Positively Consistent
Learn how to build the discipline to show up and stick to it each and every time.
I'm Ready to Dream Out Loud!
This course was designed for multi-passionate, spiritual creatives who are looking to learn the willpower disciplines required to live the life of your dreams.
We will explore what it means to be Positively Consistent, routinely applying principles and practices proven to create a more fulfilling lifestyle.
Ready to turn your dreams into action? Enroll now.
Course Curriculum
StartMaster Key #1: How to develop a P.O.P Mentality (6:03)
StartMaster Key 2 - How to F.O.C.U.S (7:43)
StartMaster Key 3 - Make Room for M.O.R.E (4:03)
StartSummary (1:49)
Start2 Final Questions
PreviewFREE GIFT: Affirming Visual Mediation Guide
StartBONUS - P.O.P Mindset - Art of Being Positively Consistent (5:42)
Your Instructor
I know what it means to flounder.
I know what it feels like to dream big and yet be paralyzed by the means to get there.
I know what it feels like to decide on pursuing yet another one of the many things you are passionate about, saying, "it's going to be different this time around", as you try to apply yet another new concept or idea you've learned, only to lose focus and fizzle in a few days, weeks or months.
I know what it means to start, stop, and never deliver on a dream.
I know what it feels like to constantly compare yourself to others, knowing that you are the only one holding you back.
That's why I've started Dreamlife University and designed this first course for you - (Sorry, the free introduction period has passed).
For years, I struggled in the pursuit of my passions and dreams mainly because I was inconsistent. There was a reason for this, but at the time I didn't understand why I couldn't pull it together to stick with what I said I was going to do.
I was a jack of many and a master of nothing. I enjoy so many fields of interest it was always hard to pick just one.
Over the years, I acquired so many seemingly random skills and knowledge. Yet, I wasn't really consistent or disciplined at any one thing.
I hated mundane routines and I wasted lots of time on perfection.
There's no wonder I felt I wasn't any closer to my dreams.
I knew or rather felt I had a lot to offer, but I wasn't sure how.
And I couldn't seem to figure out why I wasn't able to stick with the things I said I liked or wanted to do. The things I had personally declared I was passionate about.
Why wasn't I able to stick with the very things that I believed would bring me the greatest sense of satisfaction?
I would plan and plan and plan all over again, and year after year my ideas didn't change, my desires didn't change, yet I would only see small success - my actions hadn't changed either despite my ongoing learning. I was still seemingly inconsistent in my pursuits.
My implementation and execution were lacking. I just couldn't seem to follow thru on my ideas, plans, or dreams.
This often left me feeling depressed and doubtful about myself or lacking clarity about my true direction. I thought I was delusional to be dreaming so big. Maybe I needed to accept that my dreams would never manifest for me.
And no, it was not because I lacked a strong WHY because I had one - several actually. Granted my why's have evolved over the years, but I've always been extremely intentional. It's in my DNA.
The saying goes, "Fail Fast to Learn Faster" and this lesson definitely applied to my life, as I can barely count the number of jobs I held between the ages of 18-29 alone.
Nor the number of creative projects I've started in the name of my purpose, only to quickly drop them and then beat myself up about what could've manifested over the years, had I not given up so easily.
And let's just say the partners I choose for the past 20 years, were also a reflection of me being inconsistent in my needs vs wants, and my ability to discern between the two.
I saw many failures. I felt like a personal failure not only in my relationships but in business and life - and it was because I lacked growth in my stick-tuitiveness and decision-making as a young woman and mother.
But that wasn't my fault, and bayyyy beyyyyyy....over the years, I've learned a hell of a lot.
That's what I've started Dreamlife University because I want to share the invaluable lessons I've learned with you in hopes that I won't be the only one to benefit from them.
These shortcomings took me down a path of self-discovery and deep self-work!
The lessons taught me a lot about myself, and life in general; and I came to realized that being a multi-passionate creative was actually my gift.
Yet, I had to come to learn that certain disciplines were required in order to cultivate these gifts and interests and help bring them into full bloom. That's IF I truly wanted to live a fulfilling life of my dreams. And I did. and I still do.
And I bet that's the real reason you are here ready and resonating with this message right now.
This is when the real journey of self-work begins.
Yes, I have always been a naturally introspective person and willing to work on myself. However, what I lacked was willpower and focus to stick with it once I've started to get sh*t done.
Now that I'm better at applying this knowledge for myself, I'm ready to share.
My hope and desire is that you will be filled with new insight, understanding, and fire as your embrace this journey to turn your dreams and desires into action. My only request is that as you learn and grow, you will share and become the teacher and guiding light you are also meant to be.
All the best. Peace.
Ebony Yvonne